Monday, July 10, 2006

Gardens In A Box

Perhaps the easiest type of garden to create is a box or "container garden". These gardens take up little space, and are very enjoyable and satisfying because they are so simple to design.

A container garden is made up of plants growing in pots, boxes or other containers. It is usually used for decorational purposes, but can be useful in places where land is not suitable for plants and crops, or there is limited space. They usually consist of flowers or plants, but it is possible to also grow fruit, herbs, or vegetables.

When designing a container garden take these factors into consideration:


Different plants need different root space, so the height of the container is important. If you are growing root vegetables, note the size a typical item, and take into consideration how many you want to plant in one container. Also, consider how much water can be held in your container when it is watered. You don't want to drown the plant, but you do want to keep it adequately watered. Provide proper drainage holes at the bottom of your container as well, to prevent overwatering.


Keep your containers in a well lit place, where the sun can reach your plants. Some fruits, vegetables and herbs can manage well in shady places, but the more light your plants receive, the better off they will be.


Keep the area around your containers at a moderate temperature. Say about 70 degrees Farenheit. If it gets too cold, say below 30 degrees Farenheit, it is best to cover up your plants with cloth and plastic, or move them inside to a warmer environment, if they are outside.

Next time we will discuss what types of fruits, vegetables, and herbs grow and manage well in container gardens.

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